首页 公告通知 关于香港155.235.245.0/24-段 IP地址更换公告
关于香港155.235.245.0/24-段 IP地址更换公告
时间 : 2021-10-08 17:35:54 编辑 : 华纳云 阅读量 : 1024




Dear users:

       Due to the fact that the original IPs (、、、、、、 of Hong Kong are included in the SBL blacklist (please see https://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/query/SBL458170 for details), and the blacklist will bring unpredictable impacts to your business, we have decided to stop using the old IPs in a responsible way to customers. Please use the work order system or contact your corresponding business representatives to apply for a new IP update as soon as possible. The old IPs will stop service on October 22nd, 2021. Please accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience of this IP change!

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